
AFROEQUALITY is an initiative that aims to strengthen members of African communities in Greece, Italy, and Spain through research, empowerment, and dissemination activities. The project focuses on investigating the culture and integration of African communities in these countries, addressing Afrophobia and discrimination, promoting gender mainstreaming and combating structural racism.

Timeline and Objectives

The AFROEQUALITY project will be implemented within a period of 24 months (June 2024 – May 2026) with the aim to achieve the following objectives: 

– To investigate the representation of people of African descent in the media in Greece, Italy and Spain through desk and primary research (qualitative, quantitative and media analysis) 

– To empower people of African descent in participating countries through social inclusion activities and an empowerment app, which will enable participants (and other disenfranchised groups in the long term) to increase and promote their cultural background, increasing awareness. 

-To train 180 people of African descent in total (ranging from 40 to 80 in each participating country). The training will cover cultural awareness, digital citizenship, social inclusion and gender equality mainstreaming


The project employs an intersectional approach to address the multifaceted issues faced by people of African descent, including Afrophobia, discrimination, and structural racism. By fostering trust between local and African communities, AFROEQUALITY aims to advance gender mainstreaming and civic participation.

Target Audience

The primary target audience of the AFROEQUALITY project includes people of African descent aged 18-45 years old, as well as the general public.

Added Value

The AFROEQUALITY project offers a significant added value at both EU and national levels by: 

– creating replicable methodologies to combat racism and discrimination. 

– Building the capacity of people of colour (POC). 

– Facilitating the sharing of best practices among stakeholders. 

– Strengthening the position of POC and their communities.

Work Packages 

The AFROEQUALITY project is divided into four main work packages, each designed to address specific aspects of the project’s goals and deliver the expected outcomes of this comprehensive initiative.

Work Package 1: Project management and coordination

This phase primarily involves the internal processes of consortium coordination, which are crucial for the smooth implementation of the AFROEQUALITY project.  

The objectives of this WP are to: 

  • To ensure effective administrative management of the project. 
  • To ensure effective financial management of the project. 
  • To ensure the scientific quality of proposed activities and deliverables. 

This phase involves the internal processes crucial for the smooth implementation of the AFROEQUALITY project. The objectives are to ensure effective administrative and financial management and the scientific quality of proposed activities and deliverables. Throughout the project, the consortium will implement a detailed work plan, conduct continuous monitoring and evaluations, and hold regular meetings to facilitate effective communication and coordination. For more information about the outcomes of the planned consortium meetings, stay connected by visiting our news section! 

Work Package 2: Development of an Action Plan Combating Racism Through Active Civic Participation of People of African Origin at Local Level

This phase represents a fundamental pillar of the AFROEQUALITY project, as it is expected to provide tangible evidence about the current situation of people of African descent in Greece, Italy, and Spain. This evidence will inform the development of targeted training materials and well-founded policy recommendations. The objectives are: 

In this phase, the AFROEQUALITY consortium aims to: 

  • To explore perceptions about and representations of people of African descent in the public sphere in Greece, Italy, and Spain. 
  • To map incidents of xenophobia, Afrophobia, and racism at the local level. 
  • To identify the needs of the African diaspora regarding participation and inclusion in the local community, and ways of engaging and interacting with the host country culture. 
  • To identify good practices promoting civic participation of people of African descent in the host population. 

Desk research will analyse studies and documents on the representation of POC and the construction of Blackness across cultures, resulting in national reports and a comparative report. E-surveys will map public attitudes, while focus groups will explore personal experiences of racism and civic engagement. The roundtables with stakeholders will address xenophobia and racism and foster civic participation. An analysis of online media will map incidents of verbal violence against people of African descent. The aforementioned activities will culminate in the formulation of an action plan, which will then inform the development of training, policy recommendations, and an empowerment app. Stick around as all materials and products will be uploaded in the Results section, and events will be announced in the News and Events section! 

Work Package 3: Enhancing Civic Participation Activities for People of African Descent

This phase is a pivotal component of the AFROEQUALITY project as it focuses on empowering people of African descent through targeted training and capacity-building activities. These activities aim to enhance civic participation and promote the AFRO culture in the partner countries. 

The activities planned in this phase aim to: 

  • To provide training resources for the capacity building of POC to address hate speech through media literacy skills. 
  • To provide training materials on digital education and digital citizenship. 
  • To promote AFRO culture in the three partner countries.

A call for participants, members of the African community, will be made in Greece, Italy, and Spain for capacity-building activities. The capacity-building activities will include workshops focused on cultural identity, interculturality, and alternative narratives. These will enhance participants’ media and digital skills, with the objective of promoting tolerance and intercultural understanding. Stay-up-to date with the upcoming results and events by registering to our mailing list! 

Work Package 4: Initiatives to Fight Afrophobia, Xenophobia and Hate Speech

This phase aims to get AFRO cultures on the agenda of high-level decision-makers, influencing policy at the national and European levels. It promotes the interests of the African community, increases cultural awareness and strengthens public presence. 

The planned activities in this phase are designed to: 

  • To communicate the project’s outcomes and proposals to combat racism and xenophobia. 
  • To raise awareness and engage stakeholders and the public on equality, participation and culture. 
  • To communicate and disseminate the project locally, nationally and internationally. 

This work package will promote African cultures at the highest decision-making levels. It will influence policy at the national and European levels. It will also promote the African community, increase cultural awareness, and strengthen the public presence of people of African descent. Additionally, will focus on raising awareness and fostering active participation through social media and online dialogues, presenting project results, facilitating networking opportunities, and inspiring continued advocacy and actions against Afrophobia. An interactive AFROEQUALITY Empowerment App will be developed to promote understanding and empowerment regarding diversity and interculturality. Check out Results and News & Events!